Technology Ice-Cube: Low Temperature Flow Chemistry for Enhanced Safety and Selectivity

1.Ice-Cube: Low temperature flow chemistry for enhanced safety and selectivity Heather Graehl, MS, MBA Director of Sales North America2. Who are we?ThalesNano is a technology…

Science Ths chem us_sem2014_ff

1. Industrial Applications ofFlow Chemistry:Novel Heterocycle Synthesisand Making DangerousChemistry Safer!Richard Jones, CEOThalesNano Confidential 2. Organic Synthesis…

Documents Expanding the Boundaries of Organic Synthesis Through Flow Chemistry Ildiko Kovacs, M. Sc.

Expanding the Boundaries of Organic Synthesis Through Flow Chemistry Ildiko Kovacs, M. Sc Corporate History 1990s High Throughput chemistry Combinatorial chemistry Parallel…