Technology Satellitecommunicationonslideshare 130404104521-phpapp01 (1)

1. What is satellite?What is satellite communication?Satellite Architecture.Elements for satellite communication.Orbits for satellite communication.Evolution…

Education Satellite communication

1.  What is satellite? What is satellite communication? Satellite Architecture. Elements for satellite communication. Orbits for satellite communication.…

Documents GSM to Satcom - NSK 200 over Inmarsat Presented by Torgrim Jorgensen [email protected] Presented by....

Slide 1GSM to Satcom - NSK 200 over Inmarsat Presented by Torgrim Jorgensen [email protected] Presented by Torgrim Jorgensen [email protected] Slide 2 Nato Satcom - TSGT…

Education Earth's Satellites

1. EARTH’S SATELLITES By Heba Jaleel and Ria Biju 2. CONTENTS • What are satellites • Natural satellites • Earth’s moon • Application of the Moon • Artificial…

Documents Lecture Two Orbits

EC 723 Satellite Communication Systems Mohamed Khedr Grades Load Percentage Date Midterm Exam 30% Week of 3 December 2007 Final Exam 30% Participation…

Documents ICT Policy in Azerbaijan Mr. Abbas L. Mammadov Adviser Ministry of Communications and Information...

Slide 1 ICT Policy in Azerbaijan Mr. Abbas L. Mammadov Adviser Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Slide 2 “Our aim is to convert black gold into human…

Documents GSM to Satcom - NSK 200 over Inmarsat

GSM to Satcom - NSK 200 over Inmarsat Presented by Torgrim Jorgensen [email protected] Nato Satcom - TSGT T1 COG-99 Communication satellite systems Satellite systems such…

Documents Satellite Communication. 17.2Satellite Networks Orbits Three Categories of Satellites GEO Satellites...

Satellite Communication 17.2 Satellite Networks Orbits Three Categories of Satellites GEO Satellites MEO Satellites LEO Satellites Figure 17.13 Satellite orbits Example 1…

Documents Outline

A combined microwave and infrared radiometer approach for a high resolution global precipitation map in the GSMaP Japan Tomoo Ushio, K. Okamoto, K. Aonashi, T. Inoue, T.…

Documents OZONE.Space Vision

Dr. Fred Ortenberg OZONE: SPACE VISION (Space monitoring of Earth Atmospheric Ozone) Haifa, 2002 Ozone: Space Vision (Space monitoring of Earth Atmospheric Ozone) Copyright…