Documents Skripta druga

Садржај Прва област – неурохирургија 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Краниоцеребралне повреде Максилофацијална хирургија…

Documents Biohemija II Praktikum 2011 12

Anela Topčagić Lejla Klepo Ismet Tahirović BIOHEMIJA II LABORATORIJSKE VJEŽBE (INTERNA SKRIPTA) Sarajevo, 2012. BIOHEMIJA II–laboratorijske vježbe 2 Vježba broj 1…

Health & Medicine 6anti hyperlipidemic drugs

1. Hyperlipidemia • Lipids of human plasma are transported as complexes with proteins, such macromolecular complexes are termed lipoproteins; except fatty acids which are…

Education Antihyperlipidemics2

1. ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMICS Prof. Dr. Shah Murad [email_address] 2. As if we didn't have enough cholesterol in our diet, our liver actually makes the stuff!Our body uses…

Documents Dyslpidemia Cme Com 25 May09

1. MANAGEMENT OF DYSLPIDEMIA IN FAMILY PRACTICE DR.G.C.DHAR 2. EARLY DETECTION BY WHOM? 3. Family Physician As a member of the patient’s family 4.   5.   6.   7.  …

Education Antihyperlipidemics1

1. ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMICS Prof. Dr. Shah Murad [email_address] 2. As if we didn't have enough cholesterol in our diet, our liver actually makes the stuff!Our body uses…

Documents Chapter 13 Companion site for Basic Medical Endocrinology, 4th Edition Author: Dr. Goodman.

Slide 1Chapter 13 Companion site for Basic Medical Endocrinology, 4th Edition Author: Dr. Goodman Slide 2 Companion site for Basic Medical Endocrinology, 4th Edition. by…

Documents Fat: A soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue which supplies concentrated energy to the.....

Slide 1 Slide 2 Fat: A soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue which supplies concentrated energy to the body. Slide 3 * Fats are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and…

Documents MLAB 2401: Clinical Chemistry Keri Brophy-Martinez Lipids and Lipoproteins Overview.

Slide 1MLAB 2401: Clinical Chemistry Keri Brophy-Martinez Lipids and Lipoproteins Overview Slide 2 Roles of Lipids Source of energy Integral part of cellular membranes that…

Documents What Is Cholesterol? We may associate cholesterol with fatty foods, but most of the waxy substance.....

Slide 1What Is Cholesterol? We may associate cholesterol with fatty foods, but most of the waxy substance is made by our own bodies. The liver produces 75% of the cholesterol…