Documents tagged
Documents Ongoing PHENIX Upgrades & Science Strategy for Coming ~5 years Mike Leitch, LANL – for PHENIX...

Slide 1Ongoing PHENIX Upgrades & Science Strategy for Coming ~5 years Mike Leitch, LANL – for PHENIX Probing the sQGP with Heavy Quarks New geometries – Cu+Au and…

Documents High-p T probes of heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC Marco van Leeuwen, LBNL.

Slide 1High-p T probes of heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC Marco van Leeuwen, LBNL Slide 2 Marco van Leeuwen, High-p T probes at RHIC and LHC 2 Introduction Motivation:…

Engineering Welding theory & application definitions

1. Weld Design Menu Welding Theory & Application Definitions ACETONE: A flammable, volatile liquid used in acetylene cylinders to dissolve and stabilize acetylene under…

Documents 1 Rapidity, Azimuthal and Multiplicity Dependences of Mean Transverse Momentum and Transverse...

Slide 1 1 Rapidity, Azimuthal and Multiplicity Dependences of Mean Transverse Momentum and Transverse Momentum Correlations in + p and K + p collisions at GeV The NA22 Collaboration…

Documents The Highest Energy Density Matter: Quark Gluon Plasma.

The Highest Energy Density Matter: Quark Gluon Plasma Axel Drees The physics of the quark gluon plasma Energy densities characteristic of the early universe Why expect a…

Documents Isotropization of an equilibrating Quark-Gluon Plasma

* Isotropization of an equilibrating Quark-Gluon Plasma Bin Zhanga, Lie-Wen Chenb, Che-Ming Koc aArkansas State University, bShanghai Jiaotong University, cTexas A&M…

Documents Centrality Dependence of the Balance Function in Pb–Pb Collisions (NA49)

Centrality Dependence of the Balance Function in Pb–Pb Collisions (NA49) P. CHRISTAKOGLOU – M. FARANTATOS A. PETRIDIS – M. VASSILIOU UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Christakoglou…

Documents Helen Caines - Yale University April 2003 Hot Matter and Cool Results from RHIC QCD at the Interface...

Au+Au at sqrt(sNN)=200GeV pT (GeV/c) pT (GeV/c) v2 Negatives pi-&K-,pbar Positives pi+&K+,p v2 v2 of identified hadrons r.p. |h|=3~4 min. bias PHENIX Preliminary…

Documents A new kind of matter at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider?

A new kind of matter at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider? Axel Drees The Physics of Heavy Ion Collisions Create very high temperature and density matter similar to that…

Documents Femtoscopy status and the first glance on perspectives of femtoscopy at CBM

Femtoscopy status and the first glance on perspectives of femtoscopy at CBM 0. Introduction (first slide) 1. What is femtoscopy (slides 2-6) 2. Some important results(7-10)…