Documents tagged
Economy & Finance Hands on banking all a bout credit

1. TOPIC 5 – ALL ABOUT CREDITWELCOME TO WELLS FARGO’S HANDS ON BANKING® PROGRAM! This fun, interactive, and engaging financial education program is designed for both…

Documents Developing ELL Writing through Metacognition Presented by Rob Robertson.

Slide 1Developing ELL Writing through Metacognition Presented by Rob Robertson Slide 2 Session Objective O Session participants will learn the components of instructional…

Documents Elana Epstein, Ed.D. St. Josephs College. o Using Movies and TV Shows to Motivate a Lesson o Using.....

Slide 1Elana Epstein, Ed.D. St. Josephs College Slide 2 o Using Movies and TV Shows to Motivate a Lesson o Using Movies and TV Shows as the Lesson o Using movies and TV Shows…

Education A4

1. Domain A4 – What Is It? Staff Meeting (as needed) Independent Work (AS TIME ALLOWS) 2.  6.1 Demonstrate basic technology competencies through effective use…

Documents 02.4_5 Rainfall_OceanCurrents (1).ppt

Types of Rainfall & Ocean Currents World Climate Patterns World Geo 3200/3202 Unit 2, Chpt 4 November 2010 Outcomes • In this lesson o! "ill# • 2$3$% &e'ine…

Documents Improving Student Performance Dan Thompson & Brandy Close OSU-CHS Educational Development-Clinical.....

Slide 1Improving Student Performance Dan Thompson & Brandy Close OSU-CHS Educational Development-Clinical Education Slide 2 Objectives O At the conclusion of this session,…

Documents By Dumba Moses K Driver’s Attitude May 2008 First Responder for Trauma Training Course First...

Slide 1By Dumba Moses K Driver’s Attitude May 2008 First Responder for Trauma Training Course First Responder for Trauma Training Course Slide 2 By Dumba Moses K Slide…

Documents Teaching Teachers Brian Kitta Ivy Tech Community College.

Slide 1Teaching Teachers Brian Kitta Ivy Tech Community College Slide 2 Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice The teacher engages in ongoing professional…

Documents PD: Thinking about Collaboration

      James  Calleja     ©2015   2   Teaching  and  Learning  Mathematics  through  Inquiry     Plan  for  the  session     Session  3   Thinking  about…