Documents tagged
Documents Guten Tag! Warm-up: Please find your new seat. Do you have your Vokabeln for Kapitel 4? Agenda:...

Folie 1 Guten Tag! Warm-up: Please find your new seat. Do you have your Vokabeln for Kapitel 4? Agenda: Introduce Chapter 4 – Vocabulary: Wer bist du? TB p. 26 Matching…

Documents GLK, 11. September 20091 Maximilian-Lutz-Realschule Besigheim Comenius - Projekt 2009-2011 - Water.....

Folie 1 GLK, 11. September 20091 Maximilian-Lutz-Realschule Besigheim Comenius - Projekt 2009-2011 - Water – an important element in the city and the region we live in…