Documents tagged
Education SHGC The Womens Art Movement (Realism) Part 1b

1. Triangular shape is a symbol for women (use of goddess imagery) and during the French Revolution was an emblem of equality.Pays special homage to 39 historic and legendary…

Documents Northshire Freepress 6/17

thefreepressFriday, June 17, 2011Vol.21 Issue 24800.354.4232 Authors to Appear at Northshire Bookstore Two renowned authors will read from their latest books this weekend…

Documents Motley 2013

1 2 2013 Motley Online Table of Contents 3 Letter from the Editor 7 Isabella Libby…………………………………………...…………The Nude Colored Room 17…

Documents Northshire_6_24_11_web

by Linda Ellingsworth The American Museum of Fly Fishing in Manchester is presenting a first-ever exhibit that showcases the influence of women anglers on the sport. âA…