Documents tagged
Documents Big Ideas, Learning Goals & Success Criteria Backward Planning meets Assessment for learning.

Slide 1Big Ideas, Learning Goals & Success Criteria Backward Planning meets Assessment for learning Slide 2 Big Ideas 4 or 5 overall concepts, theories, skills or ideas…

Technology Slides from "Blogging and Student Leadership"

1.Blogging is an easy way to create contentand:Content is king. 2. Bloggingis good for the: School Student 3. High Quality Content CriteriaRelevantFreshAuthenticWell MadeCompellingSource:…

Education Tpack best practice with a 21st century makeover

1. Best Practice with a 21st Century Makeover Presenters: Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, CEO, Powerful Learning Practice Mitzi Neely, Assistant Superintendent, White Oak ISD 2. Paperless…

Education T pack 2013

1. How do you do it?-- TPCK and Understanding by Design There is a new curriculum design model that helps us think about how to make assessment part of learning. Assessment…

Documents Nsr 21st c learning pedagogical approaches

1. NSR 21st Century Learning:Pedagogical ApproachesCathie HoweMacquarie ICT Innovations CentreProfessional Learning Meeting: February 1st 2013 2. What should learning look…

Education 2012 blended learning

1. Understanding the Next Generation of Studentsand How They Expect to LearnCathie HoweMacquarie ICT Innovations CentreBlended Learning Conference August 28 - 29 2012 2.…

Education College of Nursing presentation August 20, 2013

1. 2. Teaching Metacognition Helping Students Self-Assess Their Own Learning Jim Wentworth & Ava Wolf Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning…

Documents Assessment for Learning INSET Jan 09. of for.

Slide 1 Assessment for Learning INSET Jan 09 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 of for Slide 5 Slide 6 From “Inside the Black Box” by P Black & D William “Assessment becomes…

Documents How do you do it?-- TPCK and Understanding by Design

Slide 1 How do you do it?-- TPCK and Understanding by Design There is a new curriculum design model that helps us think about how to make assessment part of learning. Assessment…