Documents tagged
Health & Medicine ophthalomolgy.Glaucoma 1 lectures (dr. ali)

1. Glaucoma. 2. GlaucomaIntroduction .Glaucoma describes a number of ocular conditions characterizedby: -1-Raised intraocular pressure (IOP).2-Optic nerve head damage(cupping).3-Corresponding…

Documents CASE 29.07.09

CASE PRESENTATION Dr Kanav Gupta 29/07/09 1 Mrs Sakunbai Meshram, 45 Year old Female with H/O… GPDOV – LE>RE since 1 month H/O RE Cataract surgery + PCIOL 4 yrs back…

Education Anatomy of the retina

1. Anatomy of theRetinaOthman Al-Abbadi, M.D 2. Introduction• It’s the internal layer of eyeball.• A thin transparent membrane having a purplish-red color.• Thickness>>…

Documents f2 Primary Open Angle Glaucoma

PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA BHAVISHYA KEERTHI ANNA VALDER OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA Aka: chronic simple glaucoma (CSG) and primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) Angle Anatomy Open…

Education Retinal lesions Pathophysiology

1. DR. PARAMESWARA RAO(PROFESSOR) DR.SIVA KUMAR( PG) 2. AT BIRTH Fovea contains many layers Ora serrata is less developed There is a fold of redundant retina calledLange’s…

Education Retina 3rd mbbs ophthalmology

1. BY SREEJITH T 2. Introduction Retina is a multilayered sensory tissue that lines the back of the eye. It contains millions of light receptors that captures light…

Health & Medicine Ophthalmology 5th year, 3rd & 4th lectures (Dr. Ali)

1. Glaucoma. 2. Glaucoma Glaucoma describes a number of ocular conditions characterized by: 1-Raised intraocular pressure (IOP). 2-Optic nerve head damage. 3-Corresponding…

Health & Medicine Anatomy of visual pathway

Anatomy of visual pathway Anatomy of visual pathway Dr.vivekanand.u Dr.k.vanya (p.g 1st year) Anatomy It starts from retina, optic nerves, optic chiasma, optic tracts, lat.geniculate…

Health & Medicine Blood Supply Of Eye and Optic Nerve

1. BLOOD AND NERVE SUPPLY OF EYE AND OPTIC NERVE Presenter – Dr. Om Patel Moderator – Dr. Rashi Sharma 2. Arterial supply • Internal carotid artery • External carotid…

Documents Sclera Structure

Review Scleral structure, organisation and disease. A review Peter G. Watsona,*, Robert D. Youngb a17 Adams Road, Cambridge CB3 9AD, UK bBiophysics Group, Department of Optometry…