Documents tagged
Documents The Phosphorus Cycle in Lakes Aquatic Ecology. Phosphorus Why study P? Biomolecules – ADP and ATP....

Slide 1The Phosphorus Cycle in Lakes Aquatic Ecology Slide 2 Slide 3 Phosphorus Why study P? Biomolecules – ADP and ATP – nucleic acids – phospholipids (cell membranes)…

Documents Evidence for the climate during the Late Maunder Minimum from proxy data available within KIHZ KIHZ....

Slide 1Evidence for the climate during the Late Maunder Minimum from proxy data available within KIHZ KIHZ Consortium Presented by Hans von Storch KIHZ = Climate in historical…

Documents Ch. 1.2 Resources energy from waste via reuse to sustainability ? Where are the resources? What...

Slide 1Ch. 1.2 Resources energy from waste via reuse to sustainability ? Where are the resources? What might be the problem to access them? Learning objective : To familiarise…

Documents 1.2 Resources: energy From waste via reuse to sustainability ? Where are the unlimited resources?...

Slide 11.2 Resources: energy From waste via reuse to sustainability ? Where are the unlimited resources? What might be the problem to access them? Learning objective : To…

Documents - Past climate changes : general presentation and tools - Antarctic ice cores : from Byrd to Vostok....

Slide 1- Past climate changes : general presentation and tools - Antarctic ice cores : from Byrd to Vostok - - Greenland ice cores : from Camp Century to GRIP/GISP2 - Historical…

Documents First CEOP-HE/CEOP-AEGIS Meeting June 29-30,2009 - Milan, Italy High Elevations Initiative: overview...

Slide 1First CEOP-HE/CEOP-AEGIS Meeting June 29-30,2009 - Milan, Italy High Elevations Initiative: overview overview Gianni Tartari 1,2 Chair of CEOP-HE Roberta Toffolon…

Documents Simulations of the Last Millennium with a General Circulation Model Hans von Storch & Martin Widmann...

Folie 1 Simulations of the Last Millennium with a General Circulation Model Hans von Storch & Martin Widmann Institut für Küstenforschung GKSS Forschungszentrum, Geesthacht…

Education Global Warming

1.Global Warming2. Thought of the DayWhat is Ihsan?The Prophet (PBUH) said,That you worship Allah as if you see Him, for ifyou dont see Him then truly He sees you.‘HadithGlobal…

Education Global Warming

1.Global Warming2. Thought of the DayWhat is Ihsan?The Prophet (PBUH) said,That you worship Allah as if you see Him, for ifyou dont see Him then truly He sees you.‘ Hadith…

Education Lake sediment evidence for long-range transported atmospheric pollutants on the Tibetan Plateau...

1. ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE RESEARCH CENTRELake sediment evidence for long-range transportedatmospheric pollutants on the Tibetan PlateauNeil Rose, Handong Yang, Simon Turner,…