Documents tagged
Documents Welcome! Mrs. Spatz Computer Lab Manager Computers … a Playground for the Wild Explorer We are...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Welcome! Mrs. Spatz Computer Lab Manager Slide 5 Computers … a Playground for the Wild Explorer We are WILD about Learning! Slide 6 LAB…

Documents 800-476-6861 | Copyright ©2012 by SEDL. All rights reserved. Student Example: Planting a Garden By...

Slide 1 800-476-6861 | Copyright ©2012 by SEDL. All rights reserved. Student Example: Planting a Garden By The Connected Kids Slide 2 Problem…

Documents Welcome to the Ed Lab!. Reading and Math Lab Lab Class #3.

Welcome to the Ed Lab! Reading and Math Lab Lab Class #3 Announcements Make sure to give us your schedule Workshops Sept. 28 Math Graphing Oct. 3 Smart Board Basics Oct.…

Documents Interacting with a UNIX computer in the MathCS Lab: Listing the content of directories

Interacting with a UNIX computer in the MathCS Lab: Listing the content of directories Introduction The computers in the MathCS lab are using the UNIX Operating System Most…