Documents Metro directors

1. The Future: Digital/Print Library Hybrids Stephen Abram, MLS METRO, Library Directors’ Round Table, Nov. 14, 2012 2. Funding is Attitudinal … Support versus Commitment…

Education Oclc cla2012 abram

1. Head in the clouds:Technology in LibrariesStephen Abram MLS, CLA / OCLC 2012 2. The prime directive:It’s not about technology 3. This morning . . . I want to share…

Education Saoug

1. Innovation in an Age of Limits Stephen Abram MLS, Cengage Learning (Gale) Johannesburg, South Africa 2. The prime directive:It’s not about technology 3. This morning…

Education Ala virtual july2012

1. Mirages, Maps, Menus, Flowcharts, and Dreams Stephen Abram, ALA 2012 Virtual Conference 2. The prime directive:It’s not about technology 3. This morning . . . I want…