Documents Book 2 Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment. Text A Part I Pre-reading Listen to a song named “Big.....

Book 2 Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment Text A Part I Pre-reading Listen to a song named “Big Yellow Taxi” sung by singer Amy Grant. Pre-questions: What kind of paradise…

Documents Book 2 Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment Project for MELT Course Zhang Jing.

Book 2 Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment Project for MELT Course Zhang Jing Text A Part I Pre-reading Listen to a song named “Big Yellow Taxi” sung by singer Amy Grant.…

Documents NY5

N EW YO R K 5 The âOpen Fortâ to be designed in Amsterdam to commemmorate the founding of New York 400 years ago gives us an opportunity for cultural exchange between the…