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Documents Neighbourhood Plan Upper Beeding Parish is 7.25 square miles (4637 acres) in size. The main...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Neighbourhood Plan Upper Beeding Parish is 7.25 square miles (4637 acres) in size. The main settlements are Upper Beeding, Small Dole and Edburton. Only 8%…

Documents Quad Magazine Winter 2012

E m m a n u E l C o l l E g E W in te r 2 01 1- 20 12 P r E s i d E n t m i C h a E l s . s t E w a r t Greetings, During the past five years, Emmanuel College has experienced…

Documents Quad Magazine Spring 2012

E m m a n u E l C o l l E g E Sp ri n g 2 01 2 P r E s i d E n t m i C h a E l s . s t E w a r t The 2012 graduates of Emmanuel College have walked across the platform and…