Documents TheJournalOfHistoricalReviewVolume10 Number 4 1990

The Journal of Historical Review El David Irving Hitler 's War: An Introduction to the New Edition David Irving The Trail of the Desert Fox: Rommel Revised Mark Weber…

Documents TheJournalOfHistoricalReviewVolume10 Number 2 1990

The Journal of Historical Review 3 James J. Martin American Book Censorship Francis Parker Y ockey On Propaganda in America Maj. Robert H. Williams The ~ n of d the Romanoffs…

Education Joseph halow innocent in dachau-the trial and punishment of franz kofler et al - journal of...

1. Innocent in Dachau: The Trial and Punishment of Franz Kofler et al. JOSEPH HALOW An unusual set of circumstances, over which I had only limited control, and timing, over…

Education Mattogno carlo the first gassing at auschwitz genesis of a myth - volume 9 no. 2

1. The First Gassing at Auschwitz: Genesis of a Myth CARL0 MATTOGNO (Paper Presented to the Ninth International Revisionist Conference) Introduction The story of the Auschwitz…