Documents tagged
Entertainment & Humor Hot trends in community journalism

1.  2. independent producers companies nonprofits & arts organizations teachers & schools next generation producers public media stations & orgs communities…

Presentations & Public Speaking Tech, millennials, sustainability: Data insights for public media

The Growth in Digital Reporting Perpetual Change or Critical Moment? Finding the audience, Sustaining Journalism Jesse Holcomb Senior Research, Journalism Project @jesseholcomb…

Documents Kids Magazine Issue 2

KIDS Magazine ISSUE 2 MADE BY THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE ROSE BOWL VIDEO GAME REVIEWS RATE MY AREA ROSE BOWL ART Who we are! Hello! This is the second edition of Kids Magazine.…

Documents Cape Chameleon Issue 16

Issue No. 16 Cape Town Part One 2012 Sponsored by: Free TarTS & TiTbiTS a Meander Through Cape Town our ConTribuTorS after finishing school, Lukas was looking for a challenging…

Documents Cape Chameleon Issue 17

Issue No. 17 Cape Town Part Two 2012 Sponsored by: Free The Bo-Kaap a unique area oF cape Town our conTriBuTorS © Cape Chameleon, published by Projects Abroad, South Africa,…