Documents tagged
Documents Rizal Course Report

Rizal Course Group Report: “On the Eve” (1891-1892) Hong Kong – ‘the Spanish Doctor’ Visit to Sandakan Preparation for Death Group 8: Caleda, Marisha Joy…

Documents Propaganda Movement (1)

Propaganda Movement Defect of Spanish Colonial Rule No stability in Philippine Government ± Frequent changes in the government of Spain brought also political instability…

Education Chapter 14

1.   2.   3. Via the steamer Belgic, Rizal arrived in San Francisco, USA on April 28, 1888. 2 agencies that certified Belgic is free from cholera epedemic: The America…

Education Chapter 18 disappointments in madrid- rizals life works and writings of a genius, writer, scientist...

1. Chapter 18DisappointmentsIn Madrid(1890- 91) 2. InfidelityofLeonor Rivera 3. In the autumn of 1890- Rizal was feelingbitter at so many DISAPPOINTMENTS heencountered in…

Education Rizal in america

1. RIZAL IN AMERICA 1888“I visited the cities of America, withtheir grandiose edifices, their electriclights, and their great conceptions.America is, undoubtedly a greatcountry,…

Documents Rizal in america

1. RIZAL IN AMERICA 1888“I visited the cities of America, withtheir grandiose edifices, their electriclights, and their great conceptions.America is, undoubtedly a greatcountry,…

Documents 35872518-Rizal-in-Brussels-1890

³Now must I ponder deep, Meditate, and struggle on; Even sometimes I must weep; For he who loved would keep Great pain has undergone.´ - Jose Rizal M.H DEL PILAR - Rizal's…

Documents The Propaganda Moveghsgment and the Katipunan

The Propaganda Movement and the Katipunan The Propaganda Movement   Began in 1872; not a radical movement   A peaceful campaign for reforms geared towards changing…

Documents Rizal Finals

Fine Time in Belgium Better in brussels. Lifestyle in brussels was cheap. Nevertheless, the city was beautiful and architecturally impressive. He boarded with the jacoby…