Documents tagged
Documents Media Evaluation

1. Evaluation By Katie Jones 2. Front Cover 3. Contents page 4. Double page spread 5. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions…

Education Media evaluation

1.Jazz Kamara-Marsh2. Q.5 How did you attract/address youraudience?When getting my feedback from mymagazine the audience said that theyliked the colour scheme and the fontused…

Education Media construction

1. First I changed the background from a plain white one to burgundy, I originally planned to use red forthe background but after I put text on the page to see what it looked…

Education Media construction

1. First I changed the background from a plain white one to burgundy, I originally planned to use red forthe background but after I put text on the page to see what it looked…

Entertainment & Humor In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use

1. In what ways does your media productuse, develop and challengeforms and conventions of real media products? 2. I used photos from indie magazines such as Artrocker and…

Documents Evaluation front cover 1

1. EVALUATION QUESTION 1 2. On the front cover of real media magazines there are a number of conventions used to compliment its form. Most front covers of real media magazines…

Education Evaluation front cover 1

1. EVALUATION QUESTION 1 2. On the front cover of real media magazines there are a number of conventions used to compliment its form. Most front covers of real media magazines…

Documents Evaluation 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge…

Documents Scans

t . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. tt. 12. lHtle(&nfuislcf,ilf rIIttilTICIilTS I'LL NEVER BE THE SAME (Matty Malneck-Fftnk Signorelli-Gus Kahn) Robbins…

Documents Music Magazine pitch

Genre/sub-genre Music Magazine pitch By Tom Dixon Genre/sub-genre Genre: Jazz Name of Magazine Jools-This is from one of the best Jazz musicians ever. Sax-This is a classic…