Technology Glenn Vanderburg — Learning to love JavaScript

1. Learning to Love JavaScriptG l e n n Va n d e r b u r g [email protected] 2. About Me Programmer since (gulp) 1979 Paid programmer since 1985 Java programmer since January…

Documents AJAX and jMaki for Web 2.0 Development using Java

1. AJAX and jMaki for Web 2.0 Development using Java Inyoung ChoJava Technology EvangelistSun Microsystems, Inc. 2. Agenda • AJAX Basics > What is AJAX? > AJAX Interaction:Using…

Documents Security Threats and Protection Mechanisms. Learning Objectives Internet security issues...

Slide 1Security Threats and Protection Mechanisms Slide 2 Learning Objectives Internet security issues (intellectual property rights, client, communication channels, servers)…