Documents tagged
Documents Unit 2 Reading The honorable games. A free talk with Ss about the Olympics: As we all know, in 2008....

Unit 2 Reading The honorable games A free talk with Ss about the Olympics: As we all know, in 2008 the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. How much do you know about the…

Documents FEI ANNUAL REPORT 2005

ANNUAL REPORT 2005 FE I A N N U A L RE PO RT 2 0 0 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2005 After 12 years at the head of the FEI, the time has come for me to say goodbye. This is also the perfect…

Documents Olympic Memoribilia Catalog 69

M A I L B I D A U C T I O N 6 9 : S E P T E M B E R 15 , 2 012 I N G R I D O ’ N E I L O L Y M P I C 69 M E M O R A B I L I A Cover Illustrations Lot 1 Victor G. Balck,…

Documents Newsletter October

OCTOBER EOC Preparing  for  the  future! The  activities  of  the  EOC  in  October  have  again  mostly  been  focused  on  the  future,  with  President…