Documents tagged
Documents Diet and Diabetes Created by: Tricia Fleming, University of Kansas Dietetic Intern Tammy Beason, MS,...

Slide 1Diet and Diabetes Created by: Tricia Fleming, University of Kansas Dietetic Intern Tammy Beason, MS, RD, Nutrition Education Specialist, Family Nutrition Education…

Documents Pancreatitis

PANCREATITIS Anatomy with Arterial Supply Anatomy with Venous Drainage Lymphatic Drainage Nerve Supply HISTOLOGY • Exocrine pancreas – accounts for about 85% of the pancreatic…

Documents Block Gastro 2012 Lower & Accesory GI Tract

Ascending colon COLON POSITION OF GI TRACT POSITION OF COLON DIVISION OF COLON 80 cm Cecum Colon ascendens Colon transversum Colon descendens Colon sigmoideum Rectum Canalis…

Documents Pancreas, Liver, and gallbladder Metallic 0 Mind.

Slide 1 Pancreas, Liver, and gallbladder Metallic 0 Mind Slide 2 Pancreas connective tissue forms septa. Which subdivide the gland into lobule. produce Exocrine secretion…

Documents Metabolism The Absorptive State. Anabolic Pathways Muscle Liver Amino Acids Glucose Chylomicrons Fat...

Slide 1 Metabolism The Absorptive State Slide 2 Anabolic Pathways Muscle Liver Amino Acids Glucose Chylomicrons Fat glycogenKeto acids proteinglycogen Fatty acids TAG Urea,…

Documents Chapter 78: Insulin, Glucagon, and Diabetes Mellitus Guyton and Hall, Textbook of Medical...

Unit One: Introduction to Physiology: The Cell and General Physiology Unit Fourteen: Endocrinology and Reproduction Chapter 78: Insulin, Glucagon, and Diabetes Mellitus Guyton…

Documents PANCREAS

Heartland Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates Mary Ganley RN CGRN BSHA Fish shaped lobulated gland. Covered with five connective tissues Weighs less than four…