Documents tagged
Education CALPACT Training: Webinars and Web Forums for Health Best Practices

1.Webinars!&!Web!Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For!Health!!Welcome to the Webinar!Webinars and Web Forums for Health Best PracticesWe will begin shortly…!2. Webinars!&!Web!Forums!!…

Documents Presented by Anne Pearson Vice President of Programs Policy Options to Reduce Overconsumption of...

Presented by Anne Pearson Vice President of Programs Policy Options to Reduce Overconsumption of Sugary Drinks ChangeLab Solutions creates innovative law and policy solutions…

Documents Antitrust in Italy A special focus on the media sector 1.

PowerPoint Presentation Antitrust in Italy A special focus on the media sector 1 100 years late ? Italyâs antitrust law is only 25 years old It was passed exactly 100 years…