Technology SharePoint Server 2013: to app or not to app?

1.SharePoint 2013:To App or not toApp?2. About me 3. Agenda• Introduction to SharePoint 2013 apps• Deployment options and design patterns• Technologies used in app…

Documents Sec 311 Securing SharePoint Infrastructure and Technologies Fred Baumhardt Sandeep Modhvadia...

Slide 1 Sec 311 Securing SharePoint Infrastructure and Technologies Fred Baumhardt Sandeep Modhvadia Microsoft UK – Technology Services Slide 2 Agenda About SharePoint…

Documents CMS Tracker infrastructure work in LS1

Introduction to CERN Activities CMS Tracker infrastructure work in LS1 Scope Planning 2012-2014 Infrastructure tasks Implications for funding agencies TK_It 26/03/2012 Ettore…