Documents tagged
Technology Grouping and Joining in Lucene/Solr

1. Grouping & Joining Martijn van Groningen [email protected] Lucene Committer & PMC MemberThursday, May 17, 2012 2. Grouping & Joining…

Documents Finite State Queries In Lucene

1. Finite-State Queries in LuceneRobert Muir [email protected] 2. Agenda • Introduction to Lucene • Improving inexact matching: – Background – Regular Expression,…

Technology Enhancing relevancy through personalization & semantic search

1. Dublin, IE 2013.11.07Trey GraingerENHANCING RELEVANCY THROUGH PERSONALIZATION & SEMANTIC SEARCHSearch Technology Development Manager@   2. My BackgroundTrey  Grainger…

Technology Apache Solr crash course

1. Apache Solr crash course Tommaso Teofili 2. Agenda• IR• Solr• Tips&tricks• Case study• Extras 3. Information Retrieval• “Information Retrieval (IR)…

Documents CS276 Lecture 5. Plan Last lecture: Tolerant retrieval Wildcards Spell correction Soundex This time:...

Slide 1CS276 Lecture 5 Slide 2 Plan Last lecture: Tolerant retrieval Wildcards Spell correction Soundex This time: Index construction Slide 3 Matching trigrams Consider the…

Documents Special Topics in Computer Science Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval Lecture 8: Natural...

Slide 1Special Topics in Computer Science Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval Lecture 8: Natural Language Processing and IR. Synonymy, Morphology, and Stemming Alexander…

Documents The Las Vegas Angels Racing Team. Sponsors Keith and Patricia Shay The Las Vegas Angels began with a...

Slide 1The Las Vegas Angels Racing Team Slide 2 Slide 3 Sponsors Slide 4 Keith and Patricia Shay The Las Vegas Angels began with a dream from Team Owners Keith and Patricia…

Documents Mark Bennett. Agenda Business Drivers Levels of Security Granularity Early vs. Late Binding – why....

Slide 1Mark Bennett Slide 2 Agenda Business Drivers Levels of Security Granularity Early vs. Late Binding – why it matters! Vendor round up Organization and Technical Challenges…

Documents Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Best Ever Archive Utility, Yet (BEAUtY) Kay...

Slide 1Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Best Ever Archive Utility, Yet (BEAUtY) Kay Kasemir [email protected] April 2013 Slide 2 2Managed by UT-Battelle…

Technology Using GeoServer for spatio-temporal data management with examples for MetOc and remote sensing

1.Using GeoServer for spatio-temporal data management with examples for MetOc and remote sensing Ing. Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions Dott Riccardo Mari, LaMMa Ing. Giampaolo…