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Education The Habsburg Dynasty. Los Austrias en España

1. AUSTRIAS AUSTRIAS MAYORES AUSTRIAS MENORES CARLOS I FELIPE II FELIPE III FELIPE IV CARLOS II 2. • The dynasty of the “Austrias” has this name because the family…

Education The habsburg dynasty

1. AUSTRIASAUSTRIASMAYORESAUSTRIASMENORESCARLOS IFELIPE IIFELIPE IIIFELIPE IVCARLOS II 2. • The dynasty of the “Austrias” has thisname because the family of the Habsburghad…

Documents Rogue Squadron Scramble! General Madine has successfully stolen the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle...

Slide 1 Rogue Squadron Scramble! General Madine has successfully stolen the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle Tydirium from the Imperial Outpost 327 in the Zhar system. This shuttle…

Documents Dagobahs-DSTR-v01

� Death Star Trench Run A Mission for the X-Wing Miniatures Game REVISED FIRST DRAFT, 2012 SEp 26 There’s a lot of “They fight.” —George Lucas Disclaimer: This…

Documents Evacuation of Hoth X-wing rules

â Evacuation of Hoth Scenario1 Evacuation of the rebel base on Hoth has began, the first rebel transport with its fighter escort is on its way to the rendezvous point. Unknown…