Documents tagged
Education Glomerulo nephritis

1. Glomerulonephritis is an infamation of the glomerular capilaries 2. Causes of nephritic syndrome Primary glomerulonephritis – Acute GN • Post streptoccocal •…

Health & Medicine Glomerulonephritis =)

1. HELLOKIDNEYGlomerulonephrItIs 2. ANATOMY OF MR KIDNEYLET’SCHECK ITOUT!!! 3. Functions of ME (MR.KIDNEY)• Without me, YOU will UNABLE to: Remove wastes and water…

Documents PRIMARY DISEASES OF MYELIN. Acquired forms - Characterized by preferential damage to previously...

VII.PRIMARY DISEASES OF MYELIN PRIMARY DISEASES OF MYELIN Acquired forms Characterized by preferential damage to previously normal myelin with relative preservation of axons…