Documents tagged
Documents photoshop construction

1. ConstructionPhotoshop 2. Central Image -Front Cover 3. I began by opening the image that I wanted toedit by clicking “File” and then choosing theoption “Open”I…

Education Evaluation

1. EvaluationWhat have you learnt about technologies from theprocess of constructing this product? / Looking back at your preliminary task, what doyou feel you have learnt…

Technology Dps screenshots

1. Creating my double page spreadKerrang example: 2. I created a double page document inInDesign and placed and fitted the image Iwanted to use as my central image so that…

Business Image Manipulation

1. Image Manipulation Emily Shepherd 2. • firstly I rasterize the image• We have to Rasterize an image so that the image cantransform the format into a bitmap. This is…