Documents tagged
Technology Question 6 and 7

1. Question 6: What have you learnt abouttechnologies from the process of constructing thisproduct? 2. Technologies used in Research• During the research stage…

Education Wt4603 processing booklet

1. 1Images HereImages HereImages HereImages HereStoryboardTable PictureHereImages Here

Documents Magazine screen grabs

1. Emma RiddioughSCREEN GRABS 2. Monday 26th November, 2012• Set up the appropriate measurements for my magazine• I chose a background for my cover instead of leaving…

Business Ad Portal Marketing Brochure

1. Procedure Cards Brochures Promotional Items Get yourDetailed name outGifts that giveinformationthere withback! Pens,about thepersonalizedBags, Mugs,services inserts and…

Documents Photoshop process

Slide 1 Front Cover I created an A4 document which gave me a white background. This size is a typical magazine convention. I then selected the colour for my background, I…

Entertainment & Humor New Technologies Evaluation

How did you use new technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? How did you use new technologies in the construction and research, planning…

Education Wireframe - Lightening Surfers

1. Lightening SurfersDesign Of App 2. Home Screen 3. First ButtonWhen you click onthis button you canautomaticallychange what theword says into yourown phrases.Also whenclicked…

Education Double page spread evidence

1. Double Page spread InDesign evidence Emily Capon 2. First I created my layout for my double page spread, I created columns and added place holder text so I could see…

Education Double page spread screenshots

1. Double Page Spread Screenshots 2. For my DPS I started off with a blank double page. 3. I then placed text and image boxes for where I wanted my article and picture to…

Education Contents page screenshots

1. Contents page and DPS screenshots 2. I started off with a blank page for my contents page. 3. I then inserted my title for the page and the stripes that go underneath.…