Documents tagged
Documents Going Places Zadania dodatkowe Scenka 1 Francuski z polską instrukcją This project has been funded...

Page 1 Going Places Zadania dodatkowe Scenka 1 Francuski z polską instrukcją This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication]…

Documents Going Places Additional Activities Scene 1 French with English instructions This project has been...

Page 1 Going Places Additional Activities Scene 1 French with English instructions This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication…

Documents Unité 2 La vie courante Leçon 3 Bon appétit Thème et Objectifs Everyday life in France In this.....

Page 1 Page 2 Unité 2 La vie courante Leçon 3 Bon appétit Page 3 Thème et Objectifs Everyday life in France In this unit, you will learn how to get along in France. You…

Education Frifinamid termlexamreview

1. FRENCH I MID-TERM REVIEW NCVPS Fall 2013 2. Agenda  Review of important concepts Units 1-5 Common Errors 3. Tu vs. Vous Remember the TONE when you are…

Documents Les saisons, les jours de la semaine et le temps 2003 bien !

1. Le temps 2. L’hiver 3. Le printemps 4. L’été 5. L’automne 6. Les saisons Le printemps– the spring season L’été– the summer season L’automme– the automne…