Documents 'The Role of Testimony and Testimonial Analysis in Human Rights Advocacy and Research' in State...

Patel,  Ian  (2012)  'The  Role  of  Testimony  and  Testimonial  Analysis  in  Human  Rights   Advocacy  and  Research'  in  State  Crime:  Journal…

Documents Membership Questionnaire Results 27 February 2015 .

Slide 1Membership Questionnaire Results 27 February 2015 Slide 2 Q1: Why did you join the UIA? Extremely important8363 % Important4232 % Not…

Documents PORTLAND, OREGON DECEMBER 12, 2014 Human Rights 101 How to use human rights in everyday practice.

Slide 1 PORTLAND, OREGON DECEMBER 12, 2014 Human Rights 101 How to use human rights in everyday practice Slide 2 Presentation Overview Introduction Why Human Rights? Human…

Documents 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2006/07 3 Programmes Commissioners Office of the Chief Executive Officer...

Presentation: Portfolio Committee 06 Nov 2007 Parliament Cape Town ANNUAL REPORT 2006/07 Programmes Commissioners Office of the Chief Executive Officer Strategic Management…

Documents ANNUAL REPORT 2006/07

Presentation: Portfolio Committee 06 Nov 2007 Parliament Cape Town ANNUAL REPORT 2006/07 Programmes Commissioners Office of the Chief Executive Officer Strategic Management…