Recruiting & HR Why do people leave

xxxxxxxx Why Do People Leave? WEBINAR WILL START SHORTLY Paul Walsh Agenda Welcome Housekeeping notes Session starts Q&A End of webinar About the HR Observer The HR Observer…

Business How HR can get a seat on the Board

PowerPoint Presentation How HR Can Get A Seat On The Board Sunday 3 May 2015, 16:30 â 17:30 (UAE Time) WEBINAR WILL START SHORTLY Presenter â Tom Raftery About the HR Observer…

Leadership & Management Employee engagement

Employee Engagement Monday 9 March 2015, 16:30 â 17:30 (UAE) WEBINAR WILL START SHORTLY Presenter: Tom Raftery About the HR Observer The HR Observer is an initiative by…

Recruiting & HR Introduction to hr metrics and workforce Analytics

xxxxxxxx Intro to HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics Showing the value of HR and putting it into context within the Business it supports world of analytics WEBINAR WILL START…

Recruiting & HR How hr can get a seat on the board

PowerPoint Presentation How HR Can Get A Seat On The Board Sunday 3 May 2015, 16:30 â 17:30 (UAE Time) WEBINAR WILL START SHORTLY Presenter â Tom Raftery About the HR Observer…