Documents tagged
Spiritual 08 man of rom 7

1. Lesson 8 THE MAN OF ROMANS 7 2. ReadRomans 7: 1-6If we want to understand this comparison better, we must remember what was Paul intending when he wrote his letter to…

Documents Seven churches, Seven Letters - Smyrna

1. ―To the angel ofthe church inSmyrna write…‖ The persecuted church 2. The Letter to Smyrna―And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the last,…

Spiritual The Third Day - The Importance Of The Resurrection

1. The Third DayAn Examination of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ 2. The Third Day The Importance of Christ’s Resurrection 3. The German chancellor, Konrad Adeneur, once…

Documents Formato Lleno Para Cemefi

Apoyo Integral a Niños y Jóvenes (0-18 Años), que padecen Leucemia Aguda o Linfomas, son de escasos recursos económicos y no cuentan con ninguna clase de seguridad social,…

Spiritual Holy Benedictines!

1. Hildegardof Bingenand otherHoly Benedictines Scholastica Monastery Oblate…

Spiritual 05 how to be saved

1. HOW TO BE SAVED Lesson 5 2. Key Text “ ‘And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him…

Documents Lecture RubyQGonzalez

#QuirinoAt125 #QuirinoPilipino THE QUIRINO WAY Ruby Quirino Gonzalez #QuirinoAt125 #QuirinoPilipino WHO IS ELPIDIO…

Documents THE ULTIMATE LIFE SAVER John 11:17-44. John 11:25-26 Jesus said, ‘Your brother will be raised...

Slide 1 THE ULTIMATE LIFE SAVER John 11:17-44 Slide 2 John 11:25-26 Jesus said, ‘Your brother will be raised up.’ Martha replied, ‘I know that he will be raised up…

Documents Based on “Love is Stronger than Death” (Kreeft). What is death? “The mystery of death”...

Slide 1 Based on “Love is Stronger than Death” (Kreeft) Slide 2  What is death?  “The mystery of death” (Pope John Paul II)  What does it mean to die? …

Documents Ruby Bulletin Alert

The propulsion of survivors to recover from devastation caused by deadly typhoon Haiyan in November 8, 2013 have been hampered by the landfall of another strong typhoon Hagupit…