Documents 03-08-1958

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR XL - iXiXâ17 Hope College â Holland, Michigan March 8, 1958 A a r o n C o p l a n d to V i s i t C a m p u s Piano Pupils Present Recital Wednesday,…

Documents 12-08-1961

MESSIAH TO BE PRESENTED TUESDAY < * I * ' ⢠The 33rd annual performance of Handel's great oratorio, The Messiah, will be p r e s e n t e d Tuesday, December…

Documents 09-30-1982

ope college VOLUME 95-ISSUE 4 olland, michigarv SEPTEMBER 30,1982 Federal Funds for Students Participating in the Hope College music recital featuring Dutch music wil be…

Documents 04-25-1958

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR 2A rmâ22 Hope College â Holland, Michigan April 25, 1958 Brockmeier and Van Eenenaam Head 1958-1959 Council mmm Miss Jean Protheroe President Announces…