Documents tagged
Self Improvement Personal Finance: Another Perspective Family 2: Teaching ...

1.Personal Finance:Another Perspective Family 2:Teaching Children Financial Responsibility2. Objectives A. Understand the importance of teaching your childrenB.Understand…

Spiritual Happy are Ye If Ye Do Them

1. Happy Are Ye If Ye Do ThemOctober 31, 2010 2. Finding Love that Lasts 3. LoveRespect Trust 4. Without the foundation of respectand trust, love cannot grow. 5. Respect…

Documents Fall & Winter 2013

EPHESUS Preview Issue [Fall/Winter 2013] 4 Ask the Pastor 14 Bridging the Gap 18 Reaching Out 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 17 18 20 22 In This Issue âAnd the Word became flesh and…

Documents Fall & Winter 2013

EPHESUS Preview Issue [Fall/Winter 2013] 4 Ask the Pastor 14 Bridging the Gap 18 Reaching Out 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 17 18 20 22 In This Issue âAnd the Word became flesh and…

Documents Enr. Act. 6 My Heav’nly Father gives me all good and lovely things: The sun that shines, the rain....

Enr. Act. 6 My Heavânly Father gives me all good and lovely things: The sun that shines, the rain that falls, the meadowlark that sings. Iâm glad to pay a tithing, one-tenth…