Documents tagged
Automotive Motorcycle Helmets-Positive & Negative Aspects

Motorcycle helmet is really a great gear for make the ride safe and comfortable, but wearing helmets has some problems too. Check this great presentation to know those problems.…

Automotive Essential Motorcycle Clothing_

Having protective motorcycle clothing whilst riding is really essential for making the riding more enjoyable and safe. You can know about all the latest motorcycle clothing…

Entertainment & Humor Pragyan main quiz prelims

visit for more questions.

Documents Prim 6 t 1 u 2

Slide 6 : Unit Question Slide 1 : Presentation Slide 7: ObjectivesSlide 2 : Teacher’s name & Title Slide : 8 -20 : Presentation Slide 3 : Content Slide21- 27: Evaluation…

Technology Building an Integrated Content Strategy

© batmoo – (Creative Commons license: © Jaboney –…

Mobile How to make your app successful with mobile app testing?

Mobile App Testing…at a glance. How comfortable are you on a bike without a helmet? Writing code without tests is like riding a bike without a helmet. You might feel free…

Sports Introduction to basic caving

Introduction to Caving Caving Safely and Caving Softly Caving Organizations National Speleological Society Dedicated to the exploration and preservation of cave resources.…

Health & Medicine Road safety ppt

ROADSAFETYBy Ruth Lepago Health Teacher Samsenwittayalai School Start Early• A. Safety awareness should begin from childhood, as it is difficult to impart awareness to…

Education Road safety

Road Safety Presented by: Arnel O. Rivera Based on the Presentation Road Safety : Points Hitherto Seldom Noticed by Er. C.J.Johnson MIE What is Road Safety? The term road…

Education Explanation about helmets by feni andriani

Slide 1 âTALKING ABOUT HELMETâ Created by : Feni Andriani XII IPA 3 âSUBTITLEâ Definition of helmet Function of helmet Kind of helmet What does helmet mean? Helmet is…