Documents 10. The Roaring Twenties Economic Prosperity and New Cultural Values.

10. The Roaring Twenties 10. The Roaring Twenties Economic Prosperity and New Cultural Values Red Scare American citizens was frightened by the triumph of Communism in Russia.…

Documents The Roaring 20’s

The Roaring 20’s The Results of WWI Red Scare – fear of radicals, Communists, and Socialism Immigration restricted Post-war labor strikes due to demobilization – peace…

Documents The Harlem Renaissance Harlem, NY – 1920’s An upsurge in African American cultural expression.

The Harlem Renaissance Harlem, NY â 1920âs An upsurge in African American cultural expression Renaissance â a rebirth or revival Usually refers to European Renaissance…

Documents Chapter 12 Review

Chapter 12 Review A Prospering Society The Automobile More than any other consumer item, the car defined the American of the 1920s Advertising The idea of creating consumer…

Documents The Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance âHarlem was not so much a place as a state of mind, the cultural metaphor for black America itself.â * Harlem Renaissance Lasted from 1919-1937.…

Documents Ch. 32: American Life in the “Roaring Twenties” 1919-1929.

Ch. 32: American Life in the âRoaring Twentiesâ Ch. 32: American Life in the âRoaring Twentiesâ 1919-1929 Red Scare Time period in America, after WWI, in which Americans…

Documents The Great Migration, 1910s to 1930s 2 million African Americans left the U. S. South. Before 1910...

Presidential Elections, 1920s The Great Migration, 1910s to 1930s 2 million African Americans left the U. S. South. Before 1910 80% of African Americans lived in South. After…

Documents Hello!

The Harlem Renaissance Hello! Sit where you sat on Thursday. Check in with me and put your project up here⦠Put your project write-up on your desk. The Harlem Renaissance…

Documents Some seats have changed… Please check the chart And find your seat

Slide 1 Some seats have changed… Please check the chart And find your seat  Do Now- Page 161 In your notebook, describe this painting (mention specific parts and interactions)…


PROMISES POSTPONED PROMISES POSTPONED Objective⦠Describe how women continued to struggle for equality. The Suffragettes The19th Amendment⦠Feminism in Transition 47)…