Documents tagged
Documents Rightwaay Company Profile & Student Assessments

1.Unravel your Potential!Discover the Happiness Quotient!Behavioral Assessments and More….Rightwaay Talent Consulting LLP2. 2What is Rightwaay? Rightwaay is a People Potential…

Documents January 2015 Odeum Magazine

An ElEctrifying EvEning with thE MAgAzinE of thE rosE thEAtrE BrAMpton JA N U A RY 2 01 5 THEATRE COMEDY DANCE MUSIC EXpEriEncE it livE! Replay the Beatles: FaB 4 eveR late…

Documents Positive Thoughts & Affirmations by Kris Spears, ND ACN

Positive Thoughts & Affirmations Kris Spears, ND ACN Intlâ Lifestyle Trainer 2 Copyright © 2011 YOUR NAME. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced…

Documents Colour Me Happy - Overview from 5000feet!

1. Vision “Bringing more inside out smiles to our World” We exist to bring out your happiness quotient. You are worthy. 2. Values Playfulness Respect Interested Integrity…

Documents Soft Skills Self-motivation

Self-Motivation âPeople often say that motivation doesnât last. Well, neither does bathing.  Thatâs why we recommend it daily. âZig Ziglarâ Learning outcomes Understand…