Documents tagged
Documents The Impact of the Ottoman Rule on Hungary

The Impact of the Ottoman Rule on Hungary Geza Palffy One of the most crucial events of European significance in Hungarian history was the battle at Mohacs on 29th August…

Travel Austria

1. REPUBLIC ofAUSTRIABy: Ahmed Zareer 2. • Austria lies in southern Central Europe andencompasses both the Eastern Alps, which coveralmost two-thirds of its territory,…

Education The Enlightenment

1. T he A ge of Reason &EnlightenmentThanks to Susan M. Pojer ofHorace Greeley HS for the basis of this presentation! 2. What’s the Goal? Enduring Understanding:Societal…

Documents Veinna secession- History of Graphic Design

1. Vienna Seccession Germany and Austria In 1897 a group of Artists, such as Otto Wagner and his gifted students, Josef Hoffmann and Josef Olbrich, with Gustav Klimt, Koloman…

Documents Euroearlyeasterneurope

1. Eastern EuropeDifferent, but different. 2. Serfdom 3. Black Death 4. Habsburg Empire 5. Too many ethnicdifferences 6. HRE Ferdinand IIIand III 1637-1657Ferdinand the Third,…

Documents Czech Republic one of the Visegrad 4 : European Quartet Czech Republic one of the Visegrad 4 :...

Slide 1Czech Republic one of the Visegrad 4 : European Quartet Czech Republic one of the Visegrad 4 : European Quartet Slide 2 Czech Republic A few basic facts on the country…

Documents The Age of Reason & Enlightenment An Overview of the 18 th Century Political History >>> Political.....

Slide 1 Slide 2 The Age of Reason & Enlightenment Slide 3 An Overview of the 18 th Century Political History >>> Political History >>> Reform Intellectual…

Documents Italian History (slides) by F. G.. restauration Restauration of old princes after Napoleon...

Slide 1Italian History (slides) by F. G. Slide 2 restauration Restauration of old princes after Napoleon (1815-1848), age of the Holy Alliance, first attempts of independence…

Documents The Age of Reason & Enlightenment An Overview of the 18 c Political History >>> Political History...

Slide 1 Slide 2 The Age of Reason & Enlightenment Slide 3 An Overview of the 18 c Political History >>> Political History >>> Reform Intellectual History…

Documents The Earth and Its Peoples 3 rd edition Chapter 30 The Collapse of the Old Order, 1929-1949 Cover...

Slide 1The Earth and Its Peoples 3 rd edition Chapter 30 The Collapse of the Old Order, 1929-1949 Cover Slide Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.…