Documents tagged
Education Howtonotbeachimp

1.   2. This is a CHIMP. 3. Chimps can do some of the simple things humans do. This one has been trained to type words into search boxes. He can FIND stuff. 4. This is a…

Documents National Library of Medicine Resources for Disaster Planning ...

1. National Library of Medicine Resources for Disaster Planning and Response Disaster Information Management Research Center Specialized Information Services National Library…

Documents Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative

1. Social Media 101A simple guide to understanding how to utilize and interact with the CIHC Blog, Facebook, Twitter and RSS Feeds. Prepared by Sean CranburyContact Sean…

Documents A Little Birdie Told Me

1. A Little Birdie Told MeWhat the H1N1 Outbreak Taught Us About Using TwitterTonya Oaks Smith13 June 2011 2. Let’s get it started… and get the wormWho am I and why do…

Documents 2009 Risk Management Conference Risk Management… Protecting Your Bottom Line.

Slide 12009 Risk Management Conference Risk Management… Protecting Your Bottom Line Slide 2 Discussion Points H1N1-PandemicH1N1-Pandemic Industry Loss TrendsIndustry Loss…

Documents Markets as Conversations Making the Invisible Hand Visible Robert Lusch Daniel Zeng Hope Jensen...

Slide 1Markets as Conversations Making the Invisible Hand Visible Robert Lusch Daniel Zeng Hope Jensen Schau Slide 2 Markets As … Slide 3 Main Thesis Invisible hand assumes…

Documents Psychological First Aid Minnesota Community Support Model: Response to Pandemic Influenza.

Slide 1Psychological First Aid Minnesota Community Support Model: Response to Pandemic Influenza Slide 2 What is H1N1 Influenza? Respiratory illness caused by a virus Because…

Documents Presentation of ECDC, modelling networks and data availability Tommi Asikainen, Surveillance and...

Slide 1Presentation of ECDC, modelling networks and data availability Tommi Asikainen, Surveillance and Response Support European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control…

Technology Resurrecting My Revolutionsing Social Link Neighborhood in Bringing Context to the Disappearing Web

1.Resurrecting My Revolution Using Social Link Neighborhood in Bringing Context to the Disappearing Web Hany SalahEldeen & Michael Nelson Resurrecting My Revolution TPDL…

Documents Losing My Revolution Long Paper TPDL2012

1.Losing My Revolution:How Many Resources Shared on Social MediaHave Been Lost? Hany M. SalahEldeen & Michael L. Nelson Old Dominion UniversityDepartment of Computer…