Documents tagged
Documents IBSA and Inclusive Growth. Structure of the presentation Part I: IBSA –IBSA background –IBSA in....

Slide 1IBSA and Inclusive Growth Slide 2 Structure of the presentation Part I: IBSA –IBSA background –IBSA in the present –IBSA achievements and challenges Part II:…

Travel Latvia Looking Ahead - the Remaining Challenges

LATVIA: LOOKING AHEAD – THE REMAINING CHALLENGES Agnese Bukovska, Mark Griffiths, and Bertrand Gruss International Monetary Fund Riga - June 5, 2012  Fiscal adjustment…

Documents The World Bank Sanjay Pradhan PREM Public Sector Governance Page 1 The Centrality of Public Finance....

Slide 1The World Bank Sanjay Pradhan PREM Public Sector Governance Page 1 The Centrality of Public Finance Policy & Management in Development Presented to: Public Finance…

Documents Governance and Development Executive Course in Communication and Governance Reform July 18, 2011...

Slide 1 Governance and Development Executive Course in Communication and Governance Reform July 18, 2011 Washington, DC Ed Campos Practice Manager Leadership and Governance…

Documents 1 European Development Days Brussels - 16-17 October 2012.

Slide 1 1 European Development Days Brussels - 16-17 October 2012 Slide 2 2 Brussels 16-17 October 2012 Main Theme: Supporting Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Development…

Documents Governance and Development Presented to: Public Sector and Anticorruption Core Course April 23-26,.....

Governance and Development Presented to: Public Sector and Anticorruption Core Course April 23-26, 2007 Washington D.C. Presented by: Ed Campos Governance Adviser for Bangladesh…

Documents Pbm 2016 Final

THE PRESIDENT'S BUDGET MESSAGE FISCAL YEAR 2016 Paggugol na Matuwid: Saligan ng Tuloy-Tuloy na Pag-Unlad THE PRESIDENT'S BUDGET MESSAGE FISCAL YEAR 2016 Contents…

Documents Sustainable energy for all a global action agenda

United Nations A/67/175 General Assembly Distr.: General 31 July 2012 Original: English 12-43717 (E) 180912 *1243717* Sixty-seventh session Item 20 of the provisional agenda*…

Documents Policy Research on Energy Infrastructure of India

Policy Research on Energy Infrastructure of India Ramprasad Sengupta Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi Presentation for IGC-ISI Research Network Meeting 20 â…