Education Out west

1. T HE G REAT W EST 2. C LASHES ON THE P LAINS Treaty of Fort Laramie Beginning of reservations for Plains Indians 3. T HE H ORSEAND THEB ISONHorses brought by the…

Documents Section 2 Notes

1. Chapter 10 Section 2 Dealing With Other Nations 2. Why do I have a picture such as this representing section 2 of chapter 10? Other nations kept picking fights with us.…

Education Another Pp

1. Test your knowledge ofNative Americans! Starthere ! 2. The Sioux Indianslived in the Plains region.What kind of homes did they build? Clickhereto learn the answer. 3.…

Documents Fiber Arts The Navajo People. The Navajo are a group of Native Americans who live in the American...

Slide 1Fiber Arts The Navajo People Slide 2 The Navajo are a group of Native Americans who live in the American Southwest. Slide 3 Where is the Southwest? Slide 4 History…

Documents Created by Mrs. Erickson $100 Native Americans Life in Europe Age of Exploration Early Colonies The....

Slide 1 Slide 2 Created by Mrs. Erickson Slide 3 $100 Native Americans Life in Europe Age of Exploration Early Colonies The Colonial Period $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200…

Documents Chapter 10 Section 4 Indian Removal Describe the culture of Native Americans in the Southeast....

Slide 1Chapter 10 Section 4 Indian Removal Describe the culture of Native Americans in the Southeast. Describe the conflict over land occupied by Native Americans in the…

Documents Nov 14

1. SOCIAL STUDIES Week of November 14th – 6th grade 2. Monday, November 14th 3. Warm-up  Read pages p. 50-53  Answer “Comprehension Check 4A”  Use complete…

Documents 100 Marquette and Jolliet took a _______ from the Mississippi River to the Great Lakes. (Hint: A...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 100 Marquette and Jolliet took a _______ from the Mississippi River to the Great Lakes. (Hint: A land route from one body of water to another.) Slide…

Documents Early American Art Neoclassical Architecture John James Audobon Thomas Cole George Caitlin Matthew.....

Slide 1 Early American Art Neoclassical Architecture John James Audobon Thomas Cole George Caitlin Matthew Brady Slide 2 Neoclassical Architecture Means “new” classical,…

Documents Words to Know Economy A system of money and all the businesses, industries, farms, and so on that...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Words to Know Slide 3 Economy A system of money and all the businesses, industries, farms, and so on that help to produce, sell, or trade things of value…