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Education Presentation has Typo3

1.Stephanie HerfelLibrarianNewburgh Campus Library2. Be a investigator… 3. Purpose Why was the website created? .edu and .gov sites are reliable .com generally…

Technology SEO Decoded - Buzz Your Biz

1. LEARN SEO.APPLY SEO.PROFIT.Customers are searching for what you offer.Help them find your business, products, and services.DOWNLOAD…

Education Effective Searching On The Web

1. Effective Searching on the Web Jeanne Walsh, Reference Librarian Brooks Memorial Library Vermont Adult Learning March 20, 2009 2. First step: know what you’re after…

Technology Introduction to Drupal (2011, DiWD)

1. Good morning,This is Matt, and I’m Joe we both workfor Lullabot and we would like tointroduce you to Drupal. @vordude & @eojthebrave 2. “Hello World.” 3. What…

Technology Diwd intro-presentation

1. Good morning,This is Matt, and I’m Joe we both workfor Lullabot and we would like tointroduce you to Drupal. @vordude & @eojthebrave 2. “Hello World.” 3. What…

Social Media Internet use in Social Activism in Taiwan, 2014 ISA Congress, Yokohama

1. Dr. AlbertTzeng, International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden [email protected] 2. A Military Servicemen’s Death and “Citizen 1985” the emergence of social…

Government & Nonprofit User Experience

User Experience Overview User Experience David Hale Project Manager, Pillbox National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health [email protected]…

Technology Too many websites v2

e-Delivery Team1Too many websitesToo little of interest30.03.2004e-Delivery TeamAlan Mathere-Delivery Team2Page Count e-Delivery Team3The Google Data - Raw The Google data…

Business Seo 101

1. Social Media Breakfast May 23rd#smbcmn 2. » Hi- My Name is Steve Slater˃ Experienced Marketer, Dad, Husband, Blues Guitar Hero, Music Snob˃ Worked with Small and Mid…