Documents tagged
Documents Vocabulary learning and writing practice Byron Dong from Longgang No.2 High School.

Slide 1Vocabulary learning and writing practice Byron Dong from Longgang No.2 High School Slide 2 The beauty of Nanxijiang river Slide 3 Recall Slide 4 Troubles: A.I dont…

Documents Data Link Layer Protocols Flow Control in Data Link Layer.

Slide 1Data Link Layer Protocols Flow Control in Data Link Layer Slide 2 Flow Control: Initial Assumptions Simplex Channel Infinite buffer capacity with the receiver Error…

Education My A2 Media Evaluation (All In One)

1. Callum Greenslade Candidate Number: 3201 2. In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products? Section A For my overall trailer,…

Education Demo Slide Share PPT

1. The Many Pages We Read How to complete a historical fiction book report 2. Why? Historical fiction books help us to understand the past As you create your scene, think…

Documents Question 7

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Pre production For…

Design 3 Types of Music Video

1. PERFORMANCE,NARRATIVE ANDCONCEPTUALBASEDThe three types of music video 2. PERFORMANCE Performance based videos focus on the band and use lots ofclose ups to spread…

Education Evaluation question 2

1. Evaluation Question 2 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? 2. My main product and ancillaries Video Poster Magazine review 3. Image…

Internet Location Recce

1. Location Recce Bourne Estate – This location will be good when my masked murderer is following Jessica, it doesn’t require any lighting to be used as it’s all outside…

Documents Similar music videos

1. Similar music videos Love the way you lie- Eminem and Rihanna 2. Love the way you lie- Eminem ft Rihanna part 1We will be using part 2 of this song but the music video…

Documents Homicide Clean Up What is Involved

A homicide is the killing of one person by another person and may be viewed as an unfortunate act or justifiable. Murder and homicide are two different things as murder is…