Documents tagged
Education "Networked Knowledge": Using Social Media for Personal and Professional Learning Networks

1. "Networked Knowledge":Using Social Media forPersonal and ProfessionalLearning NetworksAlison Lockley, Phemie Wright and Karin PfisterIMAGEHEREOffice of Learning…

Education Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education

1. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education The Viability of Educational Systems and Programs in the Philippine Setting Group 2 A Ten Talks presentation by Theresa Iana…

Education Shot list

1. • Close up of model. Directly looking at camera. High key lighting. Inviting • Done in photography studio 2. • Long shot of model. Gazing away from audience. Indirect.…

Documents Preparing the Soil: Strategic Leadership In Action A Session for School-Based Administrators

Strategic Leadership: Planning for School Success Preparing the Soil: Strategic Leadership In Action A Session for School-Based Administrators Collaborative Conference on…