Documents tagged
Education Digital Writing: First 6 Weeks

1. Digital Writing Workshopugh the First SixThinking Tho Weeks 2. Where I Was/Where I Am 3. Pen and Paper will not beprimary tools your students create with.Will Richardson…

Education Helping teachers connect their students with the world

1. Helping teachers connect their students with the world Resources to support teachers on this journey. Teena Pinnock 2. Globally competent students must have the knowledge…

Documents Open Solutions for a Changing World Eddy Kleinjan Copyright 2005, Data Access WorldwideDynamic AI...

Slide 1Open Solutions for a Changing World Eddy Kleinjan Copyright 2005, Data Access WorldwideDynamic AI June 6-9, 2005 Key Biscayne, Florida Conceptual Dynamic AI, Security…

Education Technology and the Developmental Needs of Adolescents (Updated! 7/29/11)

1.Technology and the Developmental Needs of Young Adolescents [email_address] Stephen Davis 2. Collaborative Google Doc ClickHERE…

Education Ci 350 tweet assignment

1.Katie Napier CI 350 Harold Blanco 4 December 2013 Twitter Assignment Throughout the course of a month, I have had the opportunity to follow a variety of educators that…

Education K. Lirenman on Classroom 2.0 Live Dec 2012

1.Jumping into the digital World with both feet Presented by Karen Lirenman @klirenman [email protected] Classroom Live 2.0 2. Who am i? 3. What’s my story? @klirenman…

Technology Gra overview

1.GLOBAL READ ALOUD Overview by Dan Gibson @hoosier_teacher Zombie Edition Sunday, September 22, 13 2. WHAT ISTHE GRA? A global project meant to connect teachers, schools,…

Business Content Management With Apache Jackrabbit

1. Content Management with Apache Jackrabbit Jukka Zitting Day Software (862) 2. Overview What to expect Apache Jackrabbit JCR content modeling Best practices Things to watch…

Education Global Education Conference 2013

1. Anime as a Catalyst for Global Collaboration Presented by Michele L. Haiken, Ed.D. The Teaching Factor November 2013 2. Guiding Questions • What are the benefits for…

Technology Metadata locking in MySQL 5.5

1. Metadata locking in MySQL 5.5Konstantin OsipovEngineer @ [email protected] These slides released under the Creative Commons …