Documents tagged
Education Ruby on Rails 3 Day BC

NIRD Ruby on Rails 3 day Rails BootCamp

Self Improvement Git it on (includes git hub)

This presentation was an intro to Git and usage of GitHub. Given at Syntra Mechelen 4th June 2013. It does not cover branching, just the basics of Git and a quickstart guide…

Self Improvement Git and git hub

A simple introduction for basic use of git and git hub. Since I'm a rookie to Git, If there is anything wrong, please contact me. Hope you'll enjoy it.

Technology Git and Git Workflow Models as Catalysts of Software Development

GIT & GIT workflow MODELsAS CATALYSTS OF SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT@lemiorhanLemİ Orhan ERGİN Lemİ Orhan Ergİn CSM, PSM12013Principal Software…

Technology 寫給大家的 Git 教學

Git Littlebtc (Hsiao-Ting Yu) Scott Chacon Pro Git CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0 What is Version Control? What is Git? Localrcs ServerCheckoutCommitSubversion SVN Server Servergit, Mecurial…

Documents Seaweed 2 Workbook

Captain's log, Star Date: -314393.4 (24 May 09) In Flex, calls to the database are made using HTTPService components. The HTTPService component takes a URL as a parameter…

Technology Dar Ordem ao Caos

Agilidade no Mundo Real Christiano Milfont 2010, João Pessoa-PB Copyleft 2010 O que funcionou nos últimos 2 anos em consultorias da Milfont Consulting...…

Technology Don't be a stereotype: Rapid Prototype

In just about every industry, rapid prototyping is described as “A group of techniques used to quickly produce a working model”, and web development should be no different.…

Documents Git Primer

Git > SVN ..and most other VCS whygitisbetterthanx? awesome branching! the staging area it's local! fast, small, distributed...…

Technology Git and Github

1. gitThursday, May 23, 13 2. and why learn it first?what is git?Thursday, May 23, 13 3. GIT HELPS US...•track & undo changes (manage versions)•collaborate on projects•share…