Documents tagged
Documents SALSASALSA Judy Qiu [email protected], // Research Computing UITS, Indiana...

SALSA Service Aggregated Linked Sequential Activities We generalize the well known CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) of Hoare to describe the low level approaches…

Documents S ervice A ggregated L inked S equential A ctivities

Service Aggregated Linked Sequential Activities GOALS: Increasing number of cores accompanied by continued data deluge Develop scalable parallel data mining algorithms with…

Documents High Performance Data Mining On Multi-core systems

High Performance Data Mining On Multi-core systems High Performance Data Mining On Multi-core systems Service Aggregated Linked Sequential Activities: GOALS: Increasing number…

Documents S ervice A ggregated L inked S equential A ctivities

Service Aggregated Linked Sequential Activities GOALS: Increasing number of cores accompanied by continued data deluge Develop scalable parallel data mining algorithms with…