Documents tagged
Documents IAEA Conference-31-05-2010 1 Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel in Germany Ulrich Alter,...

Slide 1IAEA Conference-31-05-2010 1 Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel in Germany Ulrich Alter, Federal Ministry for the Environment and Nuclear Safety Bonn,…

Economy & Finance TBLI NORDIC 2015 - Florian Sommer - Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH

1. TBLI Conference Nordic ESG integration across asset classes Florian Sommer Copenhagen, 16th June 2015 2. ● Founded in 1956 ● Headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany ●…

Documents Bernstein UK Water Primer_5.20.2014

Eu ro pe an U til iti es May 20, 2014 Deepa Venkateswaran, ACA (Senior Analyst) • [email protected] • +44-207-170-4915 Mayan Uthayakumar • [email protected]

Economy & Finance TBLI NORDIC 2015 - Florian Sommer - ESG Integration

1. TBLI Conference Nordic ESG integration across asset classes Florian Sommer Copenhagen, 16th June 2015 2. ● Founded in 1956 ● Headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany ●…

Documents Based on presentations by French energy ministry, David Suzuki, Tyndall Centre and FEASTA.

Slide 1 Based on presentations by French energy ministry, David Suzuki, Tyndall Centre and FEASTA Slide 2 Slide 3  An externality is a cost that occurs outside the firm…

Documents Exportinitiative Energieeffizienz Living in a Smart Home Experiences from KIT’s Smart Home Energy...

Slide 1 Exportinitiative Energieeffizienz Living in a Smart Home Experiences from KIT’s Smart Home Energy Lab Dublin, 27 th March 2012…

Documents Climate change solutions Global or local?. Markets need A product: what exactly is being sold here A...

Climate change solutions Global or local? Markets need A product: what exactly is being sold here A price: who decides the price of a tonne of carbon? Scarcity: who decides…