Documents tagged
Science Gender agenda in the Livestock and Fish program

1. Gender agenda in the Livestockand Fish programTom RandolphLivestock and Fish Gender Team MeetingAscoli Piceno, Italy, 15-16 September 2014 2. Page 2 of 19Our structure…

Science Engendering smallholder irrigated agriculture in Ethiopia

Engendering smallholder irrigated agriculture in Ethiopia ⢠Women play an indispensable role in irrigated agriculture value chain development. They can also be leaders…

Documents Extracting and Organizing Facts of Interest from OCRed Historical Documents

FROntIER: A Framework for Extracting and Organizing Biographical Facts in Historical Documents Extracting and Organizing Facts of Interest from OCRed Historical Documents…

Documents FROntIER : F act R ecognizer for Ont ologies with I nference and E ntity R esolution

FROntIER: A Framework for Extracting and Organizing Biographical Facts in Historical Documents FROntIER: Fact Recognizer for Ontologies with Inference and Entity Resolution…

Documents PQ magazine December 2014

PQmagazine December 2014 / A question of support Meet Neil and Joanne, founders of an online support group for AATs ACCA EXAM TIPS INSIDE…

Documents Extracting and Organizing Facts of Interest from OCRed Historical Documents

FROntIER: A Framework for Extracting and Organizing Biographical Facts in Historical Documents Extracting and Organizing Facts of Interest from OCRed Historical Documents…