Business How Zoopla use an orbit strategy to create a customer gravity generator

1. GAMIFICATION WORLD CONGRESS 2014Orbitstrategy How Zoopla uses gamification for pull marketing 2. GAMIFICATION WORLD CONGRESS 2014Top brands pull their customers into…

Entertainment & Humor Hot or not - what's hot in Gamification august 2013

1. What’s hot What’s Not What to Watch September 2013 2. 1. Gamification World Congress 2013 3. 2. IBM and Badgeville Join Forces 4. 3. The Gamification of Sex 5. 4.…

Design Agenda #GWC14

10:00 - 10:20 Ponencia: â"The boardgames that HR people (should) play" Isidro Rodrigo, Dummymedia: @isidrorodrigo + Empresario, profesor en IEBS School y en Iversity,…